Pobots Progress Report
David Zaretsky
Ben Hyman
Autonomous - Line - Switch
Tele - Levitate First
Scale - uncommon
End Game - Climb with scale mechanism
Defense - Offense is the best defense, keep the scale ownership
Gabby Calderon
Autonomous - Cross line and switch
Tele -
Scale Focus
Use extra blocks for Power Ups - Levitate
Maybe force at end - boost is situational
Endgame - Climb, lift teammates robots or climb and hold up
Defense - Keep switch ownership
Jake Shulroff
Autonomous - Switch/line
Tele - Levitate first - Cubes off ground -
No scale - Switch focus
Endgame - climb - bar on robot for assisting in climb
Defense - Boxes on opposing switch
Aaron Waltzer
Autonomous - Scale, huge initial advantage
Tele - Lever is very tough - Levitate - Picking up cubes is huge -Exchange capability
Endgame - Climb from another robot
Defense - Use offense
David Zaretsky
Autonomous - Switch, all time in switch
Tele - Switch for most time, negate other teams switch, use mostly power ups for boost on switch and force on lever
Endgame - not focused on climbing but could if needed.
Defense - negate other teams switch
Max Oppenheim
Autonomous - Scale!! - 6 feet off the ground, very tough for them to tip the scale
Tele - We will stand out as one of the few scale teams - Levitate - Boost to help the scale - Switches if necessary
Endgame - Height from scale combines with scale mechanism
Defense - Maintaining scale whole time
Ethan Chalfen
Autonomous - Cross line, switch
Tele - Switch focus - Be super good at it - Levitation - Take away other team’s switch - Never the Null area
Endgame - climbing
Defense - Take their points, we should already have our own
Other execs
Autonomous - Switches on the robot determine the position. FMS tells us where our switch’s side is
If statements
Power cube autonomously inputted to scale
Levitate for later
Pick up Power Cubes and use portals / exchange for power ups
Endgame - lift a robot, levitate for us
Defense - Push robots with high torque motors
Final Strategy
The Pobots
Autonomous -
Scale is going to be more valuable but harder, scale is more valuable in the long run.
Scale for Auto
Switch is safer and easier, but probably less valuable.
Tele - Intake - From floor/tower - Lot of effort from floor, take from human player when its dropped. - Human Player - takes more time, less time - Both - Best of both choices - Cube - Scale - Switch - Power Up - Just cubes
Endgame - Climbing/Ascend - Pistons, like feet - ROBOT WILL BE EXTENDING ITS HEIGHT OVER THE 12 INCHES -Just Parking - Picking Up Another robot - Picking up and climbing - Defense -