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About Us

Our Goal 

While our year-to-year goal is to build a competitive robot, our overall team mission is to spread awareness and interest about engineering, science, and technology. Within our team, our goal is to encourage students to work side-by-side with mentors who have life-experience in engineering fields, and in turn mentor younger students to promote sustainability. Additionally, we strive to encourage leadership qualities in all aspects of our student’s lives.


The reason that we participate in the robotics club is hard to put into words! This club is more than just building a robot, it's about learning how to use the equipment, working with others and having fun while doing it. What makes the POBots special is that the club is run like a business by the kids! With that said, there's something for everyone no matter what you're interested in!


The POBots was first established in 1999 under the leadership of Mr. Saladino. Ever since then our club has grown and has become a staple in the district.

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Maintained by: Cameron Robinson

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