01010000 01101111 01110111 01100101 01110010 01100101 01100100 00100000 01010101 01110000Feb 15, 20181 min read Pobots Progress Report2/13/18David ZaretskyElevatorDavid ZaretskyZach MeyerMotor Mounts beganBearing blocks began
Pobots Progress Report2/13/18David ZaretskyElevatorDavid ZaretskyZach MeyerMotor Mounts beganBearing blocks began
Week 2 blogAre you spending this fine saturday morning CAD’ing a robot? I know the POBots are! Here in the shop, every member is hard at work and...
Building Our Bots OffIt’s Friday, which marks the end of our first week in the shop. Tensions are rising as we come one week closer to the end of our build...